1. What services does St. Philomena's hospital offer?
    We offer a wide range of medical services, including emergency care, surgery, and physiotherapy. We also have a variety of specialists to provide comprehensive care for all of our patients. Please check our website for all the services we provide.
  2. What are your hospital hours?
    The Outpatient Department works from 8 AM to 8 PM from Monday to Saturday. The Emergency Department works 24 hours a day.
  3. How do I prepare for an appointment?
    Please carry prescriptions, reports and any other document specifying or describing the medical condition that you have.
  4. How can you book an appointment?
    You will need to be there in person to book an appointment at the Outpatient Department.
  5. How do you find out the consulting hours of a doctor?
    You can call the Outpatient Department at 080-40164346 after 8 AM from Monday to Saturday to check the consulting hours of a doctor.
  6. How can you know more about a specific service or department?
    We recommend browsing our website for detailed information on all our services and departments. You can also contact the Outpatient Department and our staff will be happy to assist you.
  7. Is there parking at the hospital?
    Yes there is parking at the hospital premises. Parking will be charged on an hourly basis. There is also an option to purchase a day pass so that you can park your vehicle for the entire day.
  8. Does the hospital accept insurance?
    We do have Insurance and TPA assistance. You can obtain more information from the front desk of the Inpatient Department.
  9. Do visitors have an option to buy beverages and food?
    Visitors have a few options to buy beverages and food. They can visit the coffee shop at the entrance of the Inpatient Department, the hospital canteen, and a cafeteria in the Outpatient Department.
  10. What are the payment options available?
    There are multiple payment options offered such as UPI, debit card and credit card.
  11. Is there an active ambulance service?
    Yes there is a provision to request for an ambulance in case of any emergency.
  12. Will the Outpatient Department remain closed on Sundays?
    Yes, the Outpatient Department remains closed on Sundays. However, the Emergency Department will remain open 24 hours a day.
  13. Is there a pharmacy at the hospital?
    Yes, there are three pharmacies at our hospital.
  14. Is there a waiting area for the attenders of patients?
    Yes, there is a waiting area in the second floor of the Inpatient Department.